Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

The Vampire Diaries Season 1 Episode 4

Episode: Family Ties (104)

Season: 1

Written by: Andrew Kreisberg & Brian Young.

U.S Viewers: 3.53 M.

Orginal Air Date: October 1, 2009 (2009-10-01)

Directed by: Guy Ferland.

Episode Description: Elena and Stefan go to the town’s annual Founders’ Party, hosted by Tyler’s parents. Vicki wants Tyler to take her to the party. Damon tells Elena about the history of the Salvatores after Stefan tries to cut Damon out of his life. Damon also retrieves an amber crystal from one of the historical artifacts in the Lockwood Estate. Meanwhile, Stefan uses Caroline as a vessel to poison Damon. When Damon sucks Caroline’s blood, he falls ill. Once Caroline wakes up, she sees the amber crystal and puts it in her purse. Stefan locks up a weakened Damon at the Salvatore property. The Founders Council, including Mayor Lockwood (Tyler’s father), Carol Lockwood (Tyler’s mother), Sheriff Forbes (Caroline’s mother), and Logan Fell, have come to the conclusion that vampires have returned to Mystic Falls due to the drained bodies, and must retrieve a pocketwatch that belongs to the Gilbert family. In the end, Vicki goes to Jeremy and they go to the bedroom.

Indonesian translation : Elena dan Stefan pergi ke Founder's Party, yang diselenggarakan oleh orang tua Tyler. Vicki ingin Tyler untuk membawanya ke pesta. Damon menceritakan pada Elena tentang sejarah Salvatores setelah Stefan mencoba untuk memotong Damon keluar dari hidupnya. Damon juga mengambil sebuah kristal kuning dari salah satu artefak sejarah dalam Estate Lockwood. Sementara itu, Stefan menggunakan Caroline sebagai wadah untuk racun Damon. Ketika Damon Caroline mengisap darah, ia jatuh sakit. Setelah Caroline bangun, ia melihat kristal kuning dan menempatkannya dalam tasnya. Stefan mengunci Damon yang lemah di properti Salvatore. Dewan Pendiri, termasuk Walikota Lockwood (ayah Tyler), Carol Lockwood (ibu Tyler), Sheriff Forbes (ibu Caroline's), dan Logan Fell, telah datang dan memberikan kesimpulan bahwa vampir telah kembali ke Mystic Fall dan harus mengambil Pocketwatch yang dimiliki oleh keluarga Gilbert. Pada akhirnya, Vicki pergi ke Jeremy dan mereka pergi ke kamar tidur.

credit :
ind trans by dissturbilla @itsnabilla

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