Minggu, 02 September 2012

Just a bullshit tweet

This blog was deleted from my twitter bio. I'm not reallyyyyy ready to share my whole activity be highlighted.
yes, I'm silent person. I can't share my story to the other although my bestfriend. I dunno why, I wanna said I wanna share I wanna talk to my bestfriend but .... why does not my mouth open?? ugh, I realized save my own story it's reallyyy nyesek.
okay, that feeling come again. trms.
suddenly I miss a little thing called hmm 'like someone'. and why my heart accidentaly choose trms (again)?
on Friday night  at 11 pm I tweet about my artwork task hadn't finishd yet, nah, at that time, I think 12 minute later, trms tweeted hmmm I can't share the tweet! my blog almost be a well-known one. I embrassed hoho. the point is someone must have done what should have done.
My heart beating louder and faster. I wanna take a pee. It's cold. drum rolls. yolo. is that tweet directed to me?? My heart grows up fastly. suddenly my lips got a smile. smile, smile, smile, smile again. there it goes. I'm fly away away away till today, Sunday Morning.
Today, a sunday morning, I went to istighotsah. I realize Allah behind me, beside me, in front of me, always staring, caring, and saving me. but trms ... he is a fatamorgana, he is a shadow depends on my desire. Astaghfirullah~
and then he never replied what he retweet from my tweet. confused? (haha, that the way I never want you to understand what a real story goes :p)
how lucky I am. Allah is comeback. on my heart. Always <3 p="p">

Sabtu, 01 September 2012

Racel Risol Cafe

Hello guys!  I wanna share  about recommended cafe, when you are in Malang (East Java) Indonesia. Malang is my domicily, my town very proud about our footbal club called Arema Indonesia :D
okay, that is an intermezzo about a place of me. hehe
back to Racel Risol Cafe.
Racel Risol is a cafe at Jalan Pandan 21 Malang. They 're specialist to make pancake and risol.
today, I went there with my brother. I took the menu and saw the cute name of food like what I ordered : Pancake Chocolate, Pancake Honey, Risol Tuna Melt and the beverage Triple Date Ice and Eskimo. What about a price? Don't worry! It's very cheap for you.
Pancake is about Rp. 5000,- for sugar and honey toping, Rp. 7.000,- for Chocolate and Cheese if you wanna add some ice cream on your toping you have add  your cost Rp.2.000,-
Risol is about Rp.5000,- till Rp.6.000 for Tuna Melt, Chicken, Meat and mayo, etc (I forgot sorry)
And moree menu like hot chili noodle.
for beverage like what I ordered there are Eskimo (Mint leaf feat tea) Rp. 6000,- , Triple Date (Coffee, Chocolate, and biscuit) Rp. 6000,- , the other : Blossom (in the Indo. subs called "Rempah-rempah" from rizhoma plant) Rp. 8000,- , Lemon tea , Orange Squash, etc.

Pancake Chocolate
Voilaaaa , finally my first pancake came haha :D Veryyy tastyyy and yummy :9 but I think the dough too much 'putih telur' because the taste like a spon cake but over all is a good ! 4 rate!!
Shhhh btw, the waiters same as dochi pee-wee gaskin and Arief 'pocoong'. I swear!! but I couldn't take a photo because the visitors came again and again hiks :((

pancake honey :9

Tuna Melt Risol

Triple Date! coffeeeetasty slurpp :9
You have to try it !! Go!

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012


on 15 August 2012, 2NE1 - superstar girlgroup from South Korea under YG Entertaiment - went to New Jersey, USA. They held the 1st concert there : 2NE1 NEW EVOLUTION CONCERT .
ohh they are my favourite girlgroup inda world! they're awesome, fierce, different, fresh, cool, charismatic, fashionable, and manymoorree haha xD
after they held the 1st concert, they created a facebook live Q&A, check this out !!
CL yeaahhh \m/

Watch live streaming video from facebookguests at livestream.com

Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

My Artworks hehe

In the art class of my school, there are many task but the main is to draw some pics with different themes.
firstly, I had to draw someone who doin' sport. I kinda confused to draw the utilities of sports like tennis (ya know I have to draw racket and a ball automatically) and I can't do that. so, I choose this kind of sport : jumping. Come on! we are in the London-Olympiade-air
The origin pic

my artwork. isn't cool yet, rite?

How to get skinny in the photos Tips

| by Lyndsie |

It’s not that I’m necessarily unhappy with my body, but if I’m going to be showing a picture to the world (or my world, at least) on Facebook or what have you, I want to look my best. I want to know how to pose, how to find my best angles, and all the things they try to teach you on America’s Next Top Model. I’m no Tyra Banks, but if you’re in the same boat, then I’ve got some excellent tips to look skinny in pictures you may be able to use!

1. Get the Camera above You
A lot of tips to look skinny in pictures are actually subtle little tricks that any photographer can use. One such trick is to make sure that the camera above you. You don’t have to place it incredibly high; you can just hold it above your head or place it on a shelf that’s taller than you. Because of the angle, you’ll need to look up, which elongates your neck and makes you look wonderfully slim.

2. Watch Your Head
The position of your head actually makes a huge difference about how you look in a picture. You shouldn’t pull your head back at an angle, for instance. That can make your chin look longer, so even if you’re thin, your face will look much bigger. Instead, position your head forward; even if you have a double chin, that will minimize it and create the illusion of slimness.

3. Twist It
Positioning your body correctly is another great tip to look skinny in pictures. You don’t want to face the camera full on, because no matter what, that’s going to make you look larger. Keep your spine straight and your shoulders squared, and twist yourself away from the lens. You can instead turn halfway to the side, put one foot in front of your other one, and keep that toe pointing toward the camera, while your weight rests on your other foot.

4. Suck It In
This kind of goes without saying, except you’ve got to be careful about it. It’s important, again, to have terrific posture when you do this, with your back and shoulders straight. You only want to suck in your stomach a little – don’t do it so much that your ribs are visible. That makes it incredibly obvious to any viewer that you’re sucking in to look skinnier.

5. At Arms
The way you position your arms is vital if you want to look slim in a photo. You can either hold them out from your sides just a little, so that your upper arms don’t flatten, thereby looking wider, or you can turn three quarters away from the camera and put your hand on your hip. Not only will you look fierce, you’ll look skinny, too!

6. Wear Dark Clothing
Not every tip to look skinny in pictures involves the positioning of your body, though. How you dress makes a huge difference, as well. If you wear darker clothes, they will instantly slim you down. Black is always the new black for a reason, and besides that, the resulting picture will look wonderfully dramatic. Remember, the type of clothing you wear matters too – anything too large will make it look like you’re trying to hide something, while tight-fitting clothes will show bulges that aren’t even there.

7. Choose the Right ‘Do
The hairstyle you have can make you look thinner – or not – as well. If you know you’re going to be having pictures taken, try to avoid anything too sleek, like a ponytail pulled all the way back. Having tendrils of hair around your face creates a softness, taking away from any harsh angles that could make your head, neck, and shoulders look larger or wider than they are.

I really hope that my tips to look skinny in pictures have given you some great ideas. Bear in mind, you should love your body no matter what its shape or size. However, if you feel self conscious in front of the camera, there are some things you can do. Do you have any other tips on how to make yourself look stellar in a photo?

copied by dreamauthors from fem.mgid.com

Taylor swift - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together

LYRICS by azlyrics.com
I remember when we broke up the first time
Saying, "This is it, I've had enough," 'cause like
We hadn't seen each other in a month
When you said you needed space. (What?)
Then you come around again and say
"Baby, I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change, trust me."
Remember how that lasted for a day?
I say, "I hate you," we break up, you call me, "I love you."

Oooh we called it off again last night
But oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you

We are never ever ever getting back together
We are never ever ever getting back together
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together

Like, ever...

I'm really gonna miss you picking fights
And me, falling for it screaming that I'm right
And you, would hide away and find your peace of mind
With some indie record that's much cooler than mine

Oooh, you called me up again tonight
But oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you

We are never ever ever getting back together
We are never ever ever getting back together
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me (talk to me)
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together

Oooh yeah, oooh yeah, oooh yeah
Oh oh oh

I used to think that we were forever ever
And I used to say, "Never say never..."
Huh, so he calls me up and he's like, "I still love you,"
And I'm like... "I just... I mean this is exhausting, you know, like,
We are never getting back together. Like, ever"


We are never ever ever getting back together
We are never ever ever getting back together
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together

We are not getting back together,
We oh, not getting back together

You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me (talk to me)
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together

Thanks to Kimonaize, Abigail, Quiana, Sophia Smith, Olivia for correcting these lyrics.

What Men Want Tips

When I browsing on the internet, I found this tips and it would be work out because the steps are very simple and you can do tthese steps!

So what is the first step to a relationship? The first step is getting inside his head. He needs to think about you. He needs to wonder about you. He needs to be intrigued, and he needs to feel an impulse or urge to connect with you. That can happen with or without a hookup, before or after.

An interesting thing I have found in my research is that while most girls experience difficulty in getting guys to commit, there are some young women who complain that every guy they hook up with wants more from them. They are looking for casual hookups and don’t want a relationship. Naturally, that makes them irresistible bait. Of course it’s human nature to want what we can’t have easily. To paraphrase Woody Allen, we don’t want to belong to any club that will have us as a member.

If not wanting a relationship is the best way of being offered one, then what should you do if you want one? What can you do to be successful?

1. Be complete.

One of the worst movie lines ever is in Jerry Maguire, when Tom Cruise tells Renee Zellweger, “You complete me.” Ew. I remember cringing at that. You do not need a guy to be complete. In fact, a guy cannot complete you. You must live your life right now, today, without a relationship. Live it the best you can. Be thankful for what you have. It’s OK to want a special relationship, but you don’t need it to be happy. You really don’t. If you think you need it, you won’t find it.

2. Display enormous self-confidence.

Your mantra: “I am the desired object.” This is so important that if you don’t believe it, you need to fake it ’till you make it. No one can think you are fabulous unless you do. It always starts with you. When you know your own worth, it shows. And it sells. You know that you would be an awesome girlfriend. You know that you could make a guy really happy. Don’t ever forget that you are a catch! You are not right for every guy. Some guys won’t be interested. Your job is to be your best, most confident self to attract the guy who might be. If you don’t believe that you are pure fabulousness, you need to address that. Take action. What do you hate about yourself? Improve it. Talk to someone. Do something. Just getting moving will make you feel stronger and better.

3. Be classy.

A 2008 Cosmopolitan survey showed that 67% of guys are most turned on by “the girl next door” look. The “sex bomb” look only appealed to 12%. Understand that you are beautiful in your natural state. Stop trying so hard to get the guys all hot and bothered. The only thing you’ll get out of that is a booty call. If you are lucky enough to have a great body, resist the temptation to display all of it at the same time. Focus on one asset at a time. Use makeup to enhance your looks, not give you the appearance of a heroin addict. I’m not telling you to go ahead and wear sweats; just be more subtle in your presentation. Guys like wholesome.

4. Have the right kind of expectations.

Expecting a guy to become your boyfriend is not strategic. Expecting a guy to like you a certain amount, or display a certain kind of affection, is not effective. On the other hand, expecting a guy to do what he says he is going to do is good strategy. Expecting him to show you some respect; that’s good too. Guys don’t want you demanding love from them. But they will totally get it if you demand respect for your feelings, your body and your time.

5. If he hasn’t committed, you’re a free agent.

Guys are amazed when I tell them that back in the day, when we dated in the traditional sense, it was totally legit to go out with one guy on a Friday night and make out (or more), and then do the same thing with someone else on Saturday. We were dating; dating was shopping. And the guy might be shopping around too. Nowadays, guys want to hook up without commitment, but they think it’s really shady if a girl is hooking up with someone else the same weekend. You have every right to be choosy. So shop around, and don’t take yourself off the market until a boy that you really like asks you to be his girlfriend.

6. Create a little mystery.

I always advise women to hold back 10%. Never give a guy 100% of yourself (even when you’re married!). In every relationship, there is a pursuer and a distancer. Don’t be the pursuer. Don’t wear your heart on your sleeve. Guys worry about the emotional neediness of women (with good reason, let’s face it). Fight that. Keep your feelings to yourself, or share them with your girls for now. Eagerness is repellent. Whininess is repulsive. He doesn’t want you to cling. He wants to pursue you. He wants to wonder what you think. So let him.

7. Slow down.

The best relationships happen between soulmates. You cannot become soulmates through sex. Through pillow talk, maybe, but not through sex. You stand a much better chance of becoming really close to a guy if you allow plenty of time and space for friendship. That means not having sex too soon. Sex can make friendship complicated. It’s much harder to go from sex to friendship, than from friendship to sex. Take time to get to know him. Make him spend time getting to know you. Guys appreciate a slow win.

8. Don’t overreact.

Don’t go all gloom and doom the minute he takes a step back. In Mars and Venus On a Date, John Gray talks about how guys are like rubber bands. They withdraw for a bit, and then they return. If he needs some distance, give it to him. When he comes back, welcome him. Chill out. If he doesn’t text you for three days, just live your life. If he thinks you’re going to give him a really hard time when he does get back in touch, then guess what? He won’t get back in touch. Guys hate drama. There are only so many long talks a guy is willing to have. So save your allotment of heart-to-hearts for the really important stuff.

9. Don’t waste time.

Cultivate a reputation for being a woman who doesn’t waste precious time on fools. You are too good to get hung up on a boy who doesn’t like you. Every tear you cry for a jerk takes up valuable psychic energy and sets you back. If you are feeling crappy about some guy, you are not open to a new guy. You may think you are, but your emotional funk will be telegraphed to those around you in subtle ways. If things don’t go your way, go ahead and feel sorry for yourself for a day or two. Eat junk food, get wasted with the girls, whatever. Then pick yourself up and live your life.

10. Cultivate a positive attitude in the meantime.

Here’s where I get all The Secret on you. You can be strong and independent, you can take no prisoners, you can even be a hardass without sending out negative vibes. You are open and friendly, you just aren’t cheap. You expect good things to happen to you. A bad attitude is self-fulfilling; if you believe that no one will want you, then no one will want you. I guarantee it. If you believe that you deserve to be loved and are willing to wait for that special guy, then you will find him. You won’t find him sitting in your room, though. The more interactions you have in your day, the greater your chances of encountering someone new. Go out. Psych yourself up as often as you need to, but keep on getting out there. Don’t give up. You can have what you want if you will believe in it.


Assalamu'alaikum :)
Happy Eid Mubarak 1433 H everyyyoneee <3 allah="allah" always="always" blessed="blessed" may="may" p="p" up="up" us="us" yeeaayy="yeeaayy">Honestly, I don't feel like Ramadhan before, because of errrr something-called-women-invitation . you know what? I had to replied my fasting in 12 days ! Great, huh?? Ikhlaasss, tawakkal hnggg
okayyy, no problem InsyaAllaaahh . Now, do you wanna know how GREAT my eid fitri day?!
THIS IS IT ! <3 br="br">
Five is complete ! ;p

We're big fams! haha

Ini cucu2 dari ibunya ibukku :p masih kurang 4 lagi itu huehe
Ayah sama ibu maaf-maafan sama pakdhe budhe, gak pake duduk (sungkeman) soalnya kelamaan ntar ;p

nah kalo yang ini narsis2an sama yang dari keluarganya ayah <3 div="div">

Ka-Ki : Rani , aku , Intan
Tuh kaaaan narsis hehe, peace!

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

Faiq with his guitar skills

2nd Video from my Lil brother <3 guitar="guitar" his="his" p="p" shows="shows" skills="skills">

Crazy Timeeee w/ Faiq !

My belooved brother <3 td="td">

He is my little belooved brotheerr :)) 6th years old in the 1st elementary school of Al-Huda. He is funny and my family get cranky if he didn't born in my unlimited live. he is my motivation. why? because of his jokes I can smile again and again and my spirit advanced quickly haha :D Loooovveee yaaahhh <3 p="p">

Gilaaakk kan ?! Haha
with Fx Cameraaa : Mirror, he is very attractive, rite? <3 div="div" nbsp="nbsp">


Super power Faiq 

Saranghaeyo ~




Yummy Coookies Handmade

Halooohh We meet again! :)
Hmm today I'll tell you about my yummy cookies for Lebaran Day :D
This is handmade original by auntie, yeaaah she is freak about receipt. when she find some receipt, -idk- she is veryy amazing -without chaching chaching babling babling- she goes to some market to buy the ingredients.
Voilaaaaaaa ~~ this is her yummy cookies handmade :)

Corn Flake :)
     as same as the title, the basic ingredient is Corn. Nah, when it has done as a cookies, the corn will be like a crispy .. yummy :9
   yeaaayy, this is my favourite cookies :D All of the ingredients need cheese. Ohh I love cheese ..
Say Cheeseeee \:)/

Nastar with Pineapple souce
       This is on my 2nd the most favourite cookies lol. with pineapple souce in the nastar ... hmmmm and how I love this? because nastar the only cookies that's not crispy yet. I don't lie! it softly, and very enjoyable in my tongue <3 p="p">
Good Time immitation :p
    I don't know what this cookies exactly called. but, do you know hhmm cookies that called Good time produced by Arnott's?? yeahh, my auntie got the receipt so, this is the immitation ! haha

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

I have not done anything !!

Yesterday, I went to "buber" (this is a word to describing an activity there are a group of whatever wanna eat together because of fasting) of Elementary School of SDIS. when I came, so cranky because we do not see each other about 1 year maybe more ..
and then, the main story starts here.
Ghea :)
1. Ghea, this is my friend on SMK Telkom . She is very easy-going, cute, energic, creative, and beatifull ;))
yeah, she is very humble, but if you look deeper, you just have to say WOW!
Ghea is blogger-artist indirectly. She is very famous about her blog. You can see here : Ghea's Blog :)  And then,
she told me that "everything is changing, Bel. It's not about her/his physically, but time makes we changed"
WOW! what I told youuu before, she is awesome rite?
in that time, I just told her, "Yes, you're exactly right. time was run quickly and until now, it does. but, he just have a chance. he could run the world because he makes a chance and he takes them out too. how smart, haha"
Do you know Ghe? You have done shake the world with your awesome blog!
and then me? what kind of me? what I've done? nothing.

Talqas :)
2. Talqas, she is pretty, smart, and lil' bit silent person kekeke~
She is in the Insan Cendekia Serpong, A place that my brain gotta get out if I enter there haha.. She doesn't make any decision, but I appreciate she have an ambition to enter UI's management. yeah Rock beibeehh \m/
And then, I just wanna enter UB's communication. so standart,
She was tellin me, "Why you just around this town? Come on! You're still young!"(with her big-smile)
What I've done? nothing.

Yahyaa :)
3. Yahya , why I bold his namee??? Yeah, He is my inspiration :) He makes my heart move on, not on something new, but to improve my mindset. He is the runner. Run the world, with his chance, his ambition, his ability, and his skill. He ever going to America, Turkey, and Germany. In that time, I just stand up can't-go-somewhere, yeah it's shocking me. He is at the same grade like me, but he could run the world? He is the winner on OSN. His ability makes he born on something new. Yahya New Generation. haha
You know what? at the 3rd grade in elemetary school, I could make his rank on 2nd, but nowwww, he is on the star, and I still in the earth. (Come on Bel, YOU CAN!)

Hilmy Faw :)
4. Hilmy Faw. He is the leader of ICT ekskul in SMAN 3 Malang. He is gamers, dota-lovers, and animationer. He wanna go to Osaka university in Japan. How Greaaattttt??? Infact, He doesn't know how to enter, but I believe with her skill, he can go there :)

Yeaaahh, So what' you opinion? I have not done everything, right? I just part of Soldier Class, I wanna move I wanna be an out-of-the box ! I wanna rebel my standart life, I wanna go to abroad, everywheree, but HOW??? HOW?? HOW?? I have to!! I have to find my way, QUICKLY !

Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

Havana Brown ft Pitbull - We Run The Night (Explicit)

David Gueta I Can Only Imagine ft Chris Brown

Coldplay ft Rihanna - Princess of China

Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012


This is MY CLASS CALLED SOLDIER (Social Two Always Be A Leader)
The member are : Gimbul , Roni , Karin , Azuma , Bobby , Chalif , Citra , Dewangga , Dhimas , Fariz, Komal , Gagah , Gresa , Ilmi, Inne , Joddi , Keke , Iken , Hafid , Me <3 nina="nina" niyya="niyya" p="p" rere="rere" rizki="rizki" yasmin.="yasmin.">The girls called ARMY GIRL and the boys called ARMY MAN :"))
this photo taken at 6-August-2012 at Ramadhan in the Gimbul's house :""")))

Have fun, girls!!

Super Soldier
Our leader of Soldier class : Gimbul :))



Helloooo , haiiiii , long time I didn't write a post.
ya know, I'm 12th grade now. Fast  enough.
be the highest grade of Indonesia's school , makin' me stress and afraid. because all of news will be highlighted about this grade. oh maaannn
I'm sorry if my word not as usual, my mood not in a good situation to write ths post..

Hmmm, okay lemme talk about my story. it's about hmm adultness - pendewasaan (I don't know what english said haha)
Yeahh, became an older one, a highest grade, and a leader.
 what I can I say? lemme think . . . .
(ups, really! I don't have any idea to write ths post! hehe)
about my dreams? okay. firstly, my dream become a one of goverment's apparature. that should makes me enter   jurusan 'Hubungan Internasional'
and then, I want to be a communicator like my father. that should makes me  enter jurusan 'Communication'.
So what should I pick??
about a culture, certainly, Communication is the best job (ya know I obssessed with my father <3 accounting="accounting" best="best" but="but" is="is" jurusan="jurusan" p="p" s="s" social="social" the="the" too.="too.">I can't study accounting, I don't have a feeling at this subject. Idk why, but that's my feeling..
so, with barakallah from my belonging, InsyaAllah my choice will be come true. AMIIIINNNN.

wish me luck, pray for me!!!

Selasa, 24 April 2012


My junior, My Dawn, My little star in every morning I remember.
He Lying, joking, kidding me. he is php like tiramissu. or I'm the only fellow that have a big passion to have a boyfriend so every boy who got eye-contact with me I (easily) fall into them ? what do you mean with thaose eyes?
yang jelas hari ini, detik ini, apa2 semoga InsyaAllah aku nggak akan mencoba bertemu anda lagi. sebisa mungkin. tapi apadaya, nafsu itu terus ada. kamu itu brondong yg udah aku sukain daridulu mulai kamu smp, pas kamu cupu2nya, pas kamu pake kacamata, pas kamu belum pake behel, pas kamu pake celana biru pendek itu. pas kamu belum setinggi sekarang, pas kamu belum terekspos sama wanita2, yang jelas aku duluan yang tau kamu. aku suka kamu yang cupu, suka kamu yang biasa2 aja, suka kamu keliweran kesanakemari di gramedia, suka kamu yang ...
aku tau, juga kok kayaknya kamu ilfil sama aku gara2 insiden kias itu kan? yang aku maksa kamu kamu buat model kias dan kamu bersikeras gak mau, dan akhirnya aku&teman2ku ngalah? aku waktu itu malu, berdiri aja nggak kuat, kamu nggak ngerti pasti.
tapi akhirnya selalu begini kan ya, aku selalu jadi penontonnya aja. tau nggak pas td kamu disapa bella terus dia nunjuk2 nisak, aku kaget, apa ini? aku pura2 gak ngeliat, tapi aku berharap kamu ngeliat aku. aku pingin km sadar, kamu itu php ke aku, aku salahpaham, tak kira kamu suka aku, tiap jum'at aku selalu lewat mbc, tp sekarang setelah tau ini, yang nyata kayak gimana pun aku gak mau tau sebenernya takut dicurigain, tapi gimana lagi aku penasaran, kamu sama nisak ada apa? aku nyesek sebenernya, aku udah doain kamu terus pas digunung2, tapi oh gini, aku salahpaham lagi. aku selalu GR. emang bener kok aku gampang jatuh cinta, aku juga gampang sakit hati juga, soalnya kamu milik bersama. tau nggak itu pertama kalinya aku ngeliat kamu setelah sekiankiankiankiankiankian lama aku kangen. tapi ternyata oh... aku nggak nangis loh, cuma apaya? aku itu pingin ngomong2sendiri maksudnya pingin ngobrol sama Allah, tapi ntar dikira orang gila-_- tapi yaudah lah life must go on. besok2 kalo ketemu kamu aku kudu gimana? pgn tegar liat wajahmu, tapi kok kayaknya sudah nggak ada aku dimatamu, mau nunduk aku kangenpingin liat wajahmu dan juga aku nggak mau keliatan kalah dan mundur gitu aja. sungguh ini complicated ngt, tanganku ngetik sesuai kata hatiku loh mangkannya ini paragrafpun aku nggak peduli.

terus yang bikin nyesek lagi itu, adel, temen waktu kelas X, yang selalu dengerin ceritaku tentang tiramissu sekarng kaya nggak pernah peduli lagi sama aku. ehm, mmmm dia itu nggak nyapa kalo nggak aku duluan yang nyapa. dan juga byk teman2 yg lain yyg kaya gitu, apa mungkin aku salah mengartikan mereka? mereka menganggapku teman biasa, tp aku menganggap mereka sahabat. salah? oke, ak bakalan diem loh skrg.

ohya, hari ini aku tadi tes wawancara buat putra-putri misa, lancar Alhamdulillah, tp aku pesimis kadang juga optimis. tapi nggak masuk juga nggak papa yang penting aku udah tau rasanya gmn tes wawancara itu hehe. kalo misalnya InsyaAllah Amin, aku masuk final itu rezeki, dan semoga Allah always bless me :'D rasanya aku kangeeen banget sama Allah. :""""""" pingin peluk, pingin dielus2, pingin dipuk2 :""D

Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Sat Sad

Helloooo :)
is there anyone realize that I'm still alive ? HAHA
I don't think so. Well, nevermind. *sigh

today today today,
Saturday, My school get an anniversary. yeah, SMAN 1 Malang got 63th, YAAYY \:D/
and we held 'gerak jalan' it means we walking around based on the rute or map. sometimes, the destination 3-8 km.
okay stop for this cuap-cuap. I'll go to the privacy one.
Idk what, today the situation isn't support. All around messed up my mood.
I miss my junior. Really. Really. Really. Reallyyyy Miss {} I like he look at me with his glassess.
but, what I saw yesterday means antonym. He watch the dancer who is practicing some dance. OhGod, blind my eyes please.
and than this morning he saw me, Idk actually he saw me or not because suddenly my heart beating fastly and than I run . haha. I saw for a while he stopped his steps, but idk he stopped because of me or he forgot something. err, He follow MBC ekstrakulikuler, and at that time he'll go to a mountain. oh, my dawn, my junior, take care :))))) I'll always pray for you. God bless you :)

when I and my class do 'gerak jalan', suddenly my friend told me, ' Hey Bil, why are you changed?' . you know what I do at that time? walking+head down+nyesek. I think I didn't do something wrong, I just do like usual, I didn't go to some places that gimme bad habits, It's an obvious one. I didn't do something wrong! OR I DID SOMETHING WRONG THAT I CAN'T REALIZE IT?? :(( It's reaallllly make me mad :(

and then, emm tiramissu retweet my tweet. is it important? I think err maybe yes maybe no. he is php(pemberi harapan palsu). but he appearing when I got two of my problems as I've written on :)
he make me smile again. he is my moodbuster, he is my hero, TODAY :D

Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012


Dawn, dawn, dawn.
Shining around the darkness
Looks like a sun but you're clear and earlier
and more .. beautiful :)

yeah, IDK why why why.
but It's you! hey junior :')

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Dara Etude House KISS NOTE CF 2 with Key SHINee

Dara Etude House KISS NOTE CF 4 with Minho SHINee


yeogi buteora modu moyeora
WE GON’ PARTY LIKE lilililalala
mameul yeoreora meoril biwora bureul jjipyeora lilililalala

jeongdabeun mutjji malkko geudaero badadeuryeo neukkimdaero ga ALRIGHT
haneureul majuhago du soneul tta wiro jeo wiro nalttwikko sipeo OH
nanananana nanananana



i nanjangpane HEY kkeutpan wang charye HEY
ttangeul heundeulkko 3buneuron bulchungbunhan race wait
bunwigineun gwayeol HUH CATCH ME ON FIRE HUH
jinjjaga natanattta nananana

hanabuteo yeolkkaji modeun ge da han suwi
morae beolpan wireul michin deusi ttwieobwado, geotteunhan uri
haneureun chungbunhi neomuna pureunikka
amugeottto mutjji mallan mariya neukkiran mariya naega nugunji

ne simjangsorie matkke ttwigi sijakae magi kkeunnal ttaekkaji YE


oneureun tarakae (micheo barakae) ganeungeoya


nal ttara jababol temyeon wabwa nan yeongwonhan ttanttara
oneul ppam geumgiran naegen eopsseo Mama Just Let Me Be Your Lover
i hollan sogeul neomeo nanananana

meorikkeutpputeo balkkeutkkaji bijyueoreunsyokeu
nae gamgageun somunnan kkun apsseoganeun chok
namdeulppodaneun ppareun georeum
chawoni dareun jeolmeum
eoreumeoreumeoreum HOLD UP nanananana

ne simjangsorie matkke ttwigi sijakae magi kkeunnal ttaekkaji YE


oneureun tarakae (micheo barakae) ganeungeoya


da gachi nolja YE YE YE da gachi ttwija YE YE YE
da gachi dolja YE YE YE da gachi gaja
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012


Have you ever be a quiet person without a reason?
it's me now.
Idk why I like that, but recently I prefer to save my words.
yeah, infact my heart is full now.
the madness, happiness, loneliness, etc fulfilling my heart.
when I'm angry, I wanna shout out even show my middle finger but idk I keep silent.
when I'm happy, I wanna tell my story, share with my bestfriend but idk I just save it in my mind.
when I'm lonely -the most something I hate- I wanna hug someone, laying my head in his/her shoulder but idk just keep my head up.
and, finallyyy here I am. alone. something called galau, nyesek, dan semacamnya.
its reaaaaaalllyy annoying.
crying without some reason, crazy!
so whattaya think about me?? am I sick? of what by the way?
am I crazy? with whom? trms again I think but yes or no? hell-to-the-yes-please.

yeah, he call me btw.
I'm happy, but yaknow,
it hurts by the way, and annoying. ups
Allah inmyside! ALLAHUAKBAR :) :) :)

Lee Ki Woo 이기우



  • Name Lee Ki-Woo
  • Hangul: 이기우
  • Birthdate: October 23, 1981
  • Birthplace: South Korea
  • University: Dankook University
  • Major: Business Administration
  • Height: 192cm
  • Weight: 78kg
  • Blood Type: AB Type
  • Zodiac: Scorpio


  1. On November 9th, 2009, Ki-woo Lee entered the Chungnam Nonsan Army Training Center to serve his mandatory two year military enlistment.
  2. Ki-woo Lee completed filming upcoming films "Wedding Dress" & "Sin of a Family" prior to his enlistment.



TV Dramas

TV Movies

Rabu, 29 Februari 2012



Song/Lyrics Information:
Artist: Big Bang
Title: Bad Boy
Length: 3:58
Type: Full CDQ + MV
Album: Alive 5-th mini-album
Genre: KPop
Producer: N/A
Featured Artists: G-Dragon, TOP, Taeyang, Seungri, Daesung

Geunal bameun naega neomu sibhaesseo, niga jinjjaro tteonagal juleun
“naega mianhae” i mal hanmadi eoryeowoseo, urin kkeutkka ji ga na
Seonggyaki deoreowoso
Maldo an dwineun illo datugireul haruyedo susip beon
Neon ulmyeonseo ttwichyeonaga nan juwireul duriban
Dasi dol-a-o-getji naeilimyeon bunmyeong meonjeo yeonraki ogetji

Baby nan mothae neomuna mot dwaeseo deo jalhae jugosipeunde jal andwae
Everyday and night i’m so mean cuz i’m so real i’m sorry (but i can’t

Niga saranghaneun naneun sorry i’m a bad boy
Geurae charari tteona jal gayo you’re a good girl
Sigani galsurok nal almyeoneun alsugok silmangman namatgetjiman

Baby don’t leave me i know you still love me
Wae geurae soljikhi na malhae niga pilyo hae my lay lay lay lay lady my lay
Lay lay lay lady

Botongnamjawa dalla neomu himdeuldago
Neon ajikdo sonyeogatti neomu yeoryeo maeilgatti uteojuneun ne gyeoten
Naega neomu enyeo
Bappeudaneun pinggyero yaksokeul mirwobeoryeo mianhan na soksanghan maeume
Gogaereul dollyeobeoryeo
Nae kkumsokui sinbu ije geunyeong chingu heeojimi aswiun urideului chimmuk

Baby nan mothae neomuna mot dwaeseo deo julhae jugosipeunde geuge andwae
Everyday and night i’m so mean cuz i’m so real so i’m sorry (but i can’t

Niga saranghaneun naneun sorry i’m a bad boy
Geurae charari tteona jal gayo you’re a good girl
Sigani galsurok nal almyeoneun alsugok silmangman namatgetjiman

Baby don’t leave me i know you still love me
Wae geurae soljikhi na malhae niga pilyo hae my lay lay lay lay lady my lay
Lay lay lay lady

[seungri] amu mal hajima
[daesung] kwaenhi ganghancheok haetjiman sokeun dalla
[seungri] nal beorijima
[daesung] naegeneun neomankeum nal ihaehaejul sarameun
[taeyang] eobtdan geol neon algo itjanhayo baby, oh geudae come back to me
Ye ye ye

Niga saranghaneun naneun sorry i’m a bad boy
Geurae charari tteona jal gayo you’re a good girl
Sigani galsurok nal almyeoneun alsugok silmangman namatgetjiman

Baby don’t leave me i know you still love me
Wae geurae soljikhi na malhae niga pilyo hae my lay lay lay lay lady my lay
Lay lay lay lady

[g-dragon and top]
Niga saranghaneun naneun sorry i’m a bad boy sorry i’m a bad boy sorry i’m
A bad boy
Geurae chirari tteona jal gayo you’re a good girl you’re a good girl you’re
A good girl
Niga saranghaneun naneun sorry i’m a bad boy sorry i’m a bad boy sorry i’m
A bad boy
Geurae chirari tteona jal gayo you’re a good girl you’re a good girl you’re
A good girl

English Translation(latestvideolyrics.blogspot.com):

I was too harsh that night
I didn't know you would really leave
The words, "I'm sorry", is too difficult for us that we take it to the end
Because I'm ill-tempered
We fight over stupid things numerous times a day
You take off crying, I look around and think,
'She'll come back tomorrow. She'll definitely call me first in the morning'

Baby, I can't, I'm so bad that I want to be good to you but it's hard
Every day and night I'm so mean cuz I'm so real so I'm sorry (but I can't change)

I'm the one you love but sorry I'm a bad boy
Yes, just leave me, good bye, you're a good girl
The more time passes, the more you get to know me, only disappointments will remain but
Baby don't leave me, I know you still love me
Why, yes, I'll tell you the truth, I need you
My lay lay lay lay lady
My lay lay lay lay lady

You say that I'm different than other guys so it's hard
You're still like a young girl with a soft heart
For you, who is always smiling next to me, I'm still too young
With the excuse that I'm busy, I postpone our date
Because I'm sorry, because I'm frustrated, I turn my head
The bride in my dreams is just a friend now
Upset over the breakup, we are silent

Baby, I can't, I'm so bad that I want to be good to you but it's hard
Every day and night I'm so mean cuz I'm so real so I'm sorry (but I can't change)

I'm the one you love but sorry I'm a bad boy
Yes, just leave me, good bye, you're a good girl
The more time passes, the more you get to know me, only disappointments will remain but
Baby don't leave me, I know you still love me
Why, yes, I'll tell you the truth, I need you
My lay lay lay lay lady
My lay lay lay lay lady

Don't say a thing
I act tough but I'm not inside
Don't abandon me
You know that there's no one who will understand me like you, baby
Oh you, come back to me ye ye ye

I'm the one you love but sorry I'm a bad boy
Yes, just leave me, good bye, you're a good girl
The more time passes, the more you get to know me, only disappointments will remain but
Baby don't leave me, I know you still love me
Why, yes, I'll tell you the truth, I need you
My lay lay lay lay lady
My lay lay lay lay lady

I'm the one you love but sorry I'm a bad boy
Sorry I'm a bad boy, Sorry I'ma bad boy
Yes, just leave me, good bye, you're a good girl
You're a good girl, you're a good girl (X2)

Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

[Qoutes] Flower Boy Ramyun shop

Flower Boy Ramyun Shop

Title : 꽃미남 라면가게 (Kkot-mi-nam Ra-myeon-ga-ge)
English : Flower Boy Ramyun Shop 

This romantic comedy deals with "pretty boys," who with good looks and individuality, operate a ramen shop with lively college girls and experience the happenings of daily life.


Kamis, 09 Februari 2012


hi there!
here , I come baaaaaaaack :DDD

Indonesian Subtittle yaa :)
ehem , lately I gotta feeling like galauresah nemen
actually , I've been lost trms in my mind buuuuuttttt HE COMES AGAIN . DAMNIT.
with his LoganLerman hairstyle , small lips , cute face , pretty eyes . GOD . HELL-TO-THE-NO TO SEE LIKE THAT.
even I easily remembered what I see trms .
and I don't know what to do. I'm not stronger again. t3i2h afdiseg9
typidfcio sgtad`kwijtow4rlhir etgoffsjnughhauhuhweoerjigjinjbfjunvkfjuheihrgehnrig shit.
you know I defense all my desire to call his name because I know HE DOESN'T INTEREST W/ME
many times when I met him , I just keep my head down.
he ever call my beautifull bestfriend. yeah, ya know exactly what I'm feeling at that time. Jealous.
so, this evening I met him played basketball. his ball came to me and he took it.
we got an eye-contact. finally, I asked, "ekskul a bul?" he answered, "iyo".


Senin, 09 Januari 2012


Director: John Singleton

Stars: Taylor Lautner, Lily Collins and Alfred Molina


Nathan, a teen, along with his friend, Karen finds a website that has photos of children who are missing or believed to have been abducted. They decide to age one of the photos and discover that is of Nathan as a child. He contacts the person who placed the photo to find out what's going on. The person on the other end only wants to know info about Nathan so Nathan hangs up. The person then contacts someone in Europe and shows him a photo of the one who called. He then heads for the U.S. Nathan then wonders is it true, was he abducted. He tells his "mom" who then tells him she and his "father" will tell him. But before they can, two men claiming to be cops show up wanting to talk to Nathan, and when he isn't found they pull guns and demand Nathan be given to them. His parents fight them but are killed. Nathan runs but remembers that he asked Karen to come over...

Movie Trailer